Actors and the Famous Roles That Almost Made Them Quit

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Brad Pitt as ‘Louis de Pointe du Lac’, in “Interview with the Vampire”


The movie “Interview with the Vampire” was supposedly based on the cherished Anne Rice novel of the same name. The story is centered around Louis de Pointe du Lac and his journey of self-discovery. Brad Pitt signed-on to portray the role of Louis de Pointe du Lac to give life to the character. Regrettably, when Pitt got the actual script just a couple of weeks before filming began, a lot of the parts he loved about the character had been removed. A large part of his role now, was to essentially sit back and observe Tom Cruise take the role of Lestat.
Brad Pitt even told Entertainment Weekly that, “I am miserable. Six months in the f***ing dark… contact lenses, the make-up…” when a reporter noticed that he appeared miserable in the film. It was even reported that at one point, Pitt called the producer and declared that he wanted to quit and he asked how much it would cost if he did. He was informed that it would cost him $40 million dollars if he quits. If you’ve seen the film, you would know that Pitt stayed on and completed the film. You might also remember that Pitt’s character also kissed Claudia, the character of the then 11-year-old Kristen Dunst. Pitt gave Kirsten Dunst her first kiss, which was referred to as “disgusting” by the actress.