Actors and the Famous Roles That Almost Made Them Quit

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Jim Carrey as ‘The Grinch’, in “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”


If you’ve had the chance to watch “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” that was initially released in 2000, you would notice that the costumes were charmingly intricate. Jim Carrey played the role of the Grinch, and he opted not to use CGI. The Grinch’s intricate costume was made of uncomfortable green yak hair, full facial prosthetics, and large thick yellow contacts that made his eyes look larger. It was reported that these contacts felt like “knives in the eye.” Carrey’s makeup for the Grinch took a full eight and a half hours to apply. It was reported that due to this, Carrey was irritable and “grinchy”, and at one point he even told Ron Howard, the director, that he could no longer do the movie.
During an interview with Graham Norton, Jim Carrey mentioned, “It was like being buried alive each day. On the first day I went back to my trailer, put my leg through the wall and told [director] Ron Howard I couldn’t do the movie”. Although Carrey mentioned that he was convinced to continue with the movie with some help, he said “So a guy that trained CIA operatives how to endure torture was brought in. That’s how I got through it.” He continued his statement with “That, and The Bee Gees – the only thing that worked to calm me through the make-up was everything they had ever done. I’ve no idea why, but they just made me happy. There’d be no Grinch without them.”
This hardship was well worth it since the movie earned more than $345 million in worldwide box office sales. That and Jim Carrey was reportedly paid $20 million for his role in the movie.