The Most Amazing Female Cosplayers In The World

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Another gorgeous Filipina climbing the ranks of cosplay royalty is Maweezy @maweezy. Aside from her stunning and ridiculously close portrayal of Valkyrie, she also has amazing cosplays of Nezuko Kamado, Buzz Lightyear, Moana, the Grinch, the Joker, Harley Quinn, Rem from Death Note, an armored Queen Gloppy, and the charming Sally in an OogieBoogie suit from The Nightmare Before Christmas. She also has an adorkable recreation of a Takis tortilla snack-munching Taki from Soulcalibur. Actually, if you check out her Instagram, you’ll see a lot of funny photos of her downing drinks and munching burgers and chips as a hot asylum nurse, a Game of Thrones’ Night Queen, and a Taco Belle (aka Beauty and the Burrito). Witty and outrageously funny, Maweezy has been featured on HBO and Allure Magazine, has been invited to host cosplay parties and judge costume contests, and was also part of a panel discussion in D.C.’s Awesome Con in 2019. On top of all that, Maweezy is a great dancer and a registered nurse, too.