The Most Amazing Female Cosplayers In The World

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Jessica Nigri

Cosplayers Corner

The American cosplayer, convention correspondent, actress, model, and YouTuber, Jessica Nigri @jessicanigri, sits among cosplay royalty. The Instagram star has almost four million followers drooling over her feed of steamy photos in barely-there costumes. She went viral in 2009 for her sexy, adorkable Pikachu, won numerous awards, and is often listed among the world’s top cosplayers. However, she’s been taking a lot of heat because many believe she started the sensual cosplay movement. But her fans defend her, saying cosplay is a means of expression and participants should be free to dress as they wish as long as they’re not violating convention etiquette. Moreover, revealing cosplay isn’t all that Jessica’s done since she started cosplaying over a decade ago. She’s the official spokesperson for Lollipop Chainsaw and Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag. She also makes incredible custom armors herself, like the ones she crafted for her portrayals of the life-bender Alexstrasza and the skeletal frost wyrm Sindragosa from the World of Warcraft.