The Most Amazing Female Cosplayers In The World

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Tayla Barter

World Cosplay

Another blonde bombshell rocking the world of cosplay is Tayla Barter. With her exceptional DIY costumes, she is quickly gaining a following on Instagram @kinpatsucosplay. The cosplayer shares her designs and custom armor and accessories on social media, and you can purchase her amazing patterns and tutorials from her online store. Check her out and try not to drool over her gorgeous transformations into Anti-Gwenom, Android 21 from Dragon Ball Z, Gatomon from Digimon, Bishamonten from Noragami, Kayle from League of Legends, a fluffy-haired Catra from She-Ra, and several other intricately and elaborately designed characters. Without her cosplay gear and makeup, Tayla is your fun, approachable geek, wishing everyone at an event or convention to have a great time, but once she’s put on her armor, expect her to get into character and bring a lot of fierce energy to the table.