Different Ways To Get Rid Of Fruit Flies

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Damages Caused By Fruit Flies

Source: https://www.kalliergeia.com

All flies have the potential to spread viruses and bacteria. They can contaminate our food with these microbes. It can cause diarrhea, intestinal myiasis, and other gastronomic problems. They have the potential to be dangerous for us humans. But, they also can cause plant injury. Fruit flies often lay their eggs in the flesh of fruits and vegetables. After the eggs hatch, they begin to consume the fruits and organic matter near it, like plant shoots and flowers. So they damage plant life as well. In some countries, fruit flies can damage the fruits before they are picked from the trees. This causes economic wastage. So don’t underestimate the damages a fruit fly can cause. If you have fruit fly problems, get rid of it as soon as possible. Hopefully this article has given you the ammunition to combat the pesky (and possibly dangerous) fruit fly. Go get them soldier!