A Ukranian 3-Year Old Deserted By Her Parents Was Raised By Dogs

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John Ssebunya


During the 1980s, Uganda was ravaged by a brutal civil war. Human rights violations were common, and many families suffered abuses. John’s father murdered his mother when he was just three years old. He ran away from fear, and avoided being recruited as a child soldier. His father was eventually hanged, and John had nowhere to go but into the forest. He said he was alone for a few days, before some monkeys approached him and offered him sweet potatoes and nuts. Within 2 weeks, he joined their troop and moved around the forest, usually by climbing trees to be safe from predators. Almost like the Tarzan novel, he was discovered with long hair all over his body. He had health issues, but the hair that was shaved from his face and body never grew back. He has a normal life now, and is a singer of a 20-member African choir.