A Ukranian 3-Year Old Deserted By Her Parents Was Raised By Dogs

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Prava The Bird Boy

Feral Children

Another popular unique case was that of Prava the bird boy. While he did not grow up in the wild like most others, Prava grew up among birds. His mother was mentally ill, and treated him like the dozens of birds in her two bedroom apartment. The seven-year old was eventually rescued by Russian health workers. He was not physically harmed, but his mother never spoke to him. It was the birds that communicated with him. He copied the mannerisms of birds, from their sound to their habits, he thought he was one of them. Not much else is known, but it seems that he was being treated to be able to get back into the human world. Probably, like Oxana, he will be given a chance to live a normal human life. Feral children are a unique phenomenon, but their stories are more disheartening rather than fascinating. Hopefully, others get to live human lives and have a happy ending.