A Ukranian 3-Year Old Deserted By Her Parents Was Raised By Dogs

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Trying To Get Back to The Human World

Honest To Paws

While there is not much documentation about Oxana, certain facts were made available. First, they examined Oxana to see if she had any health defects and illnesses. Surely there may have been some, as living like a dog for many years has its drawbacks. Oxana was also tested psychologically and emotionally, as you can imagine the trauma she underwent. The doctors found out that she was quite intelligent, and was able to learn to talk again – most likely due to having some childish speech before she was abandoned. She was taught to walk upright, eat with her hands, and communicate like a human being. She also was able to recognize her own reflection as hers, unlike most feral children. But, it was not easy to get back to being a human.