A Ukranian 3-Year Old Deserted By Her Parents Was Raised By Dogs

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Social Media Reacts


While there were other cases of feral children, the case of Oxana probably got the most reactions on social media. Some expressed shock and disbelief, as her story really is bizarre, to say the least. Some showed anger and resentment towards her parents, which is not surprising. Parents, especially the mothers, are supposed to care and protect their children at all times. The fact that Oxana’s mother maltreated her at the young age of 3 years old surely got many netizens outraged, and seeking justice. And still others wanted to find out more data, particularly where Oxana is now and how she is doing. But since she came out on TV and interviewed, not much is available to curious and concerned citizens. Maybe it is to protect Oxana from further scrutiny and let her try to lead a normal life as best as she can.