Scarcely Seen 1970s Photos Specifically For Mature Audiences

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Supermodel Christie Brinkley


There were a few supermodels who really were “super”, and Christie Brinkley surely was one of them. She turned heads for over three decades, even as a fresh-looking surfer girl  model during the 70s. Her curvy figure elevated her from the normally skinny-looking models of the time, turning heads away from the “Twiggy” type of models prevalent during the 60s. She was a favorite of photographers, as she used her figure well during shoots. But there was class in how she portrayed herself, which made many young girls want to emulate her. She was well known as the iconic model for Sports Illustrated swimsuit editions, and appeared on an unprecedented three consecutive covers in 1979. Throughout her career, she appeared in over 500 magazine covers, did some acting roles, and appeared on Billy Joel’s famous music videos (she ended up marrying the singer, one of her four husbands in her life). She explained that she was basically a surfer girl from California, and never considered modelling really. But photographers with an eye for the right model saw things differently. The rest is history, as they say.