Things You Should Never Do In Houston

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Don’t Get Ticketed In These Parking Areas


Since you will most likely be renting a car when you go to Houston, make sure you know which areas you’re most likely to get a parking ticket so you’ll be more aware and avoid it. It has been reported that the city issues around 380 parking tickets per day. With that said, avoid parking in these areas as much as possible as your likelihood of getting a ticket increases here: Rice Village, particularly in the 2400 block of Dunstan; Bush Airport, mainly on Terminal Road; Hermann Park, which includes the loop road, museum circle, and Hermann Drive; Houston Municipal Court, mostly in the courthouse parking lot at 1400 Lubbock; the 700 block of La Branch; University of Houston-Downtown; the 1200 block of Polk; and the 1600 block of California, considered a hot zone for violations.