29 Things You Should Never Do In Norway

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Don’t Assume Everyone Speaks English

Source: http://www.oslochurch.org/

Among Norway’s 5.3 million people, there are 4.5 million English speakers and 90% use English as a second language. In fact, more people converse in English in Norway than in Canada where only 85% speak English since it is not the primary language in Quebec and Nunavut. While the Norwegians’ level of spoken English is exceptional particularly among younger people, not everyone might be able to understand the language. There are elderly locals, some working as bus drivers, who only converse in Norwegian or Sámi. You might also run into immigrants who have learned to speak fluent Norwegian but only know basic English. If you’re having trouble asking for directions because of the language barrier, simply show them a map or a photo of the place on your phone or ask for help from a younger resident.