The Best Foods And Drinks You Should Absolutely Try In Mexico

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Fruit with Chili Powder


Making great-tasting food isn’t all about the best techniques and the trendiest ingredients. Sometimes, the simplest things you do to the most common of ingredients can be enough to create a truly unforgettable dish. The abundance of fresh fruits in Mexico is astounding, and the way the Mexicans prepare them on the street is nothing short of magical.
Street vendors are common sights in Mexico, and finding one selling fruits such as kiwis, pineapples and others, can be quite easy. These fresh treats are usually served chopped, in a cup, and sprinkled with a savory and spicy mix of chili and salt.
Odd? Yes, that’s what we thought so too at first, but the hint of spiciness and saltiness lend a beautiful contrast to the refreshing sweetness of the chopped fruits, giving them an extra dimension that will make your taste buds celebrate with joy.