The Best Foods And Drinks You Should Absolutely Try In Mexico

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Here’s a dish that you probably haven’t encountered at your local Tex-Mex restaurant: Birria.
The spicy and very tasty stew is one of Mexico’s most popular dishes, with some even calling it the best. If that’s’ not reason enough to try it, then we don’t know what is. Make sure to get a bowl-full of the stuff when you visit the country, lest you want to miss out.
Birria is traditionally made with goat meat or mutton which are stewed with a healthy dose of Mexican spices that awaken the senses. This gives the simple dish some mild, yet pleasurable heat, which perfectly complements the robust flavors of the sinfully-rich sauce. The slow process of cooking this Mexican treasure is the secret to its divine taste, making the pieces of meat mind-blowingly tender.