21 Of The Deadliest Snakes On The Planet

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Source: https://ophidiansblog.files.wordpress.com

This is a rear-fanged tree snake that hunts by extending the forward part of its body motionless from a tree, mimicking a branch. Its venom is slow acting and symptoms may not become apparent until hours after the bite. Symptoms include nausea, headache, sleepiness, and mental disorders. They are about 3.5 feet to close to 6 feet in length. One main characteristic is that they have large eyes. Males are light green in color, with black or blue scale edges. Females may be brown. The venom is primarily hemotoxin and victims may die of internal bleeding. Hemorrhage in muscle and brain tissues is common. Victims of a Boomslang bite often don’t realize it is life-threatening since symptoms don’t appear right away. There is enough time for antivenom though. They are typically timid, but don’t make the mistake of handling them, even if you are a snake lover.