21 Of The Deadliest Snakes On The Planet

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Faint Banded Sea Snake

Source: https://www.siliconrepublic.com

There is some debate as to how toxic the venom of this species is. Some say it is the most toxic, more so than that of  the Inland Taipan. Whatever the case may be, it surely ranks among the most deadly. It rarely bites humans, although bites have been recorded as it goes up for air and its path is blocked by a human. It is basically found near the tropical reefs of the Indian Ocean, Gulf of Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, and New Guinea. Some have also been discovered off the coast of Australia. It is also called Belcher’s sea snake as its scientific name is Hydrophis Belcheri. It is of moderate length and can reach 1 meter long. It has a small mouth suited for aquatic life. It is usually chrome yellowish with dark greenish crossbands.