21 Of The Deadliest Snakes On The Planet

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Source: https://gringosabroad.com

This is a very unpredictable snake when disturbed. They are fast, and will usually move away from danger, but can suddenly reverse and defend itself. It is considered to be one of the most dangerous snakes in Costa Rica, responsible for 46% of all bites, and 30% of all hospitalized cases. They are also found in northern South America and southern Mexico. It likes to live near human habitations and is more dangerous to humans than other snakes in the area. Bite symptoms include pain, oozing from the wound, swelling, blisters, bleeding from the nose or gums, headaches, impaired consciousness, numbness, and vomiting. In untreated cases, local necrosis usually occurs and may cause gangrene which requires amputation. They are less active during colder seasons, and are often found basking in the sun camouflaged under leaf cover. It is known to be the “ultimate pit viper.”