21 Of The Deadliest Snakes On The Planet

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Reticulated Pythons

Source: https://amazonaws.com

These massive snakes are not venomous, but they can kill without venom. Most lists do not include this type of snake among the deadly ones, most especially since many have pythons as pets. They hardly bite, but when they smell prey (like chicken and small animals) they will act instinctively. Some owners of pythons got bitten because they handled freshly cleaned chickens and didn’t wash their hands properly. They can reach over 20 feet in length, and will crush their victims by constriction before devouring them whole. Some Asian pythons caught in the wild had human remains found inside. So don’t think they are not deadly just because they don’t use poison. It is better to be aware about the dangers, as you may meet one in a friend’s house.