21 Of The Deadliest Snakes On The Planet

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Blue Krait

Source: https://em.wattpad.com

A highly venomous snake of the elapid family, usually found throughout Thailand and Southeast Asia. It can reach about 3.6 feet in length, and is characterized by its color pattern of black-bluish crossbands that are separated by yellowish-white interspaces. It primarily feeds on small rodents and other snakes, including fellow Blue Kraits. They prefer to live in holes, fields, and even homes, and are nocturnal. Their toxin is highly toxic and can paralyze the victim’s muscular system. People bitten will suffer the ability to think or speak clearly. Suffocation will happen after several hours if not treated. While they only produce about 10mg of venom per bite, this small amount is still very potent. Although many people often experience no pain after a bite ( which gives them false reassurance), death is common within 4 hours if untreated. The mortality rate is an incredible 70-80%.