21 Of The Deadliest Snakes On The Planet

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Eastern Brown

Source: https://live.staticflickr.com

They are found in nearly all environments in Australia, except for dense forests. They are common around farms, and prey on the house mouse. They can reach a length of 6.6 feet and are slender in appearance. They are typically brown, but can also be blackish in color. Distinguishing characteristics are the black eyes, black tongue, and small fangs. They are more active during daylight, but tend to be solitary. The venom is deadly, and they are responsible for more deaths in Australia than any other snake species. Out of 35 snake bite deaths recorded between 2000 -2016, 23 of them were from the Eastern Brown. However, they have a fairly low mortality rate of 10-20% if treated. The snake does not usually deliver a high volume of venom each bite. The bite can cause nausea, vomiting, kidney failure, severe bleeding, and heart failure. Symptoms will begin between 2-15 minutes after a bite. While antivenom is available, the rapid onset of symptoms often negates the benefits of the antivenom as victims usually slip into cardiac arrest before proper care can be administered.