21 Of The Deadliest Snakes On The Planet

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Golden Lancehead

Source: https://www.sustainability-times.com

This is a highly venomous pit viper species found in the Queimada Grande Island, Brazil. Its bite can kill a grown man in a few hours. The fast-acting venom will burn through flesh and cause its victim to bleed to death. It is so named for its light-yellowish color and for its head shape.They are usually around 2 feet long, but can reach close to 4 feet. Fortunately they are found in habitats uninhabited by humans, so bites are rare. Yet they have been responsible for some fatalities. Symptoms of the bite include, pain, swelling, vomiting, bruising, blood in vomit and urine, intestinal bleeding, brain hemorrhage, and kidney failure. It is a fast acting toxin that eats away at flesh and tissue. While bites to humans are rare, it is still a very deadly snake because of the effects of the venom.