The Life Of “Octomom” Now, And Through The Years

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The Life-Changing Decision


In 2008, Nadya made a decision that would change her life drastically. After consulting with her doctor who performed all the IVF, Dr. Kamrava, Nadya decided she wanted one last treatment, as she still had 6 fertilized frozen eggs left over and did not want it wasted. According to her, she originally wanted just another set of twins, but she claimed that Dr. Kamrava insisted on planting all the eggs in her at one time. And, not only did the doctor implant the 6 eggs at once, he upped the number to 12. Nadya claims she was not aware of what the doctor did. She had 12 eggs injected in her, which was 10 more than the recommended number for IVF. Whether it was true that she was not aware of the added eggs is water under the bridge now.