26 Things You Should Never Do In Chicago

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Never Compare Chicago To New York

Source: https://image.businessinsider.com

For those who don’t know, there appears to be a longstanding rivalry between the 2 cities, and it’s not limited to sports teams. Apparently, it is rumored that a New Yorker labeled Chicago as the “Second City,” implying Chicago falls second to New York. Be it fact or fiction, Chicagoans are not the least interested in a competing match with New York. They believe that Chicago is more affordable, people are a lot friendlier, and there are more great things to see and do. Believe it, they will not like any joker comparing their wonderful city with New York, or any other global city. Who likes negative criticism anyhow? So better you know a little history between the two cities, especially if you live in New York and are visiting. Be polite, and friendly.