29 Things You Should Never Do in Indonesia

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Do Not Drink Tap Water

Source: https://image.businessinsider.com/

Indonesian tap water is totally safe for showering and cooking, but it’s just not made for straight consumption. Tap water in Indonesia is generally not fit for drinking without boiling or filtering. Local residents and long-term visitors use a water filter before boiling the water to avoid exposure to dangerous contaminants such as heavy metals, pesticides and microplastics. As a tourist, you have the following options to refill your re-usable water bottle. Refill you water bottle in your hotel (some hotels offer a water dispenser free of charge per room, some have it in common areas).
Purchase a large water jug (1 gallon or more) from the local market and use that to refill your water bottle. Don’t worry too much about the plastic of the water jug, it is easily recyclable and has a lot of different uses.
Warungs/cafes in most of Indonesia have and use boiled water. Locally referred as “Air Putih” (pronounced as Aye Ir Pu Teee). A pitcher of “air putih” will often be brought to your table, or you can ask your waiter for some to fill-up your own re-usable water bottle.
Keeping hydrated is necessary. But, please do avoid continuously purchasing single use bottled water while in Indonesia. It’s going to be an unnecessary expense for you, and it is also bad for the environment and not safer or healthier than filtered water.