29 Things You Should Never Do in Indonesia

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Never Forget To Get Travel Insurance

Source: https://www.saga.co.uk/

Especially if you will be participating in outdoor or sporty activities. Even if you are not participating in any extreme activities, there are several risks specifically related to being in Indonesia. Some are unfortunately too common: dengue fever, malaria, dog bites, food poisoning or motorbike accidents are really not that rare. We all wish that we do won’t need to claim on insurance. But, just like most insurance, it is better to have it and not need it, then to need it, but not have it. Medical care in Indonesia can be expensive. According to the AAMI, a day in an intensive care unit in Indonesia can cost up to 3,000$. Even in the cheapest hospitals you can expect to pay 800$/day.
So, above all else, the best value from a travel insurance is that it buys us peace, it let us know that we are covered in the event of anything major that is unexpected.