29 Things You Should Never Do in Indonesia

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Never Joke About Race, Religion, And Ethnicity

Source: https://www.boomlive.in/

The people of Indonesia come from a diverse mix of ethnicities, cultures, and beliefs. Mutual respect, has been crucial in keeping the nation at peace. It’s never acceptable to insult a particular race or religion, especially in a setting as diverse and a history as complicated as Indonesia’s. An inappropriate remark, however small, may do more harm. The best rule to follow would be to tell yourself that joke first, and think what if you were in their position, if it is even slightly offensive, better keep it to yourself. Back in October 2018, Indonesian comedian Tretan Muslim, uploaded an episode of his comedic cooking series “Last Hope Kitchen” onto YouTube. The video was meant to be funny. However, some Muslims, did not get the joke and were more insulted than amused.
As a foreigner, you wouldn’t want your vacation ruined just because of distasteful joke, right?