29 Things You Should Never Do in Indonesia

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Never Ignore Local Customs

Source: https://www.homesweethome.travel/

Being a tourist in a foreign country isn’t all just about going to scenic locations, taking pictures and partaking of delectable food. It is also about having the opportunity to interact with people of a different nationality, race and culture. To be able to observe different people in their country, while being able to take part in their customs and rituals. However, we cannot do this without causing offense if we ignore their local customs.
Most Indonesians prefer to eat with their hands. Try eating with your hands. It may look a little unhygienic, but it’s not complicated at all. In a warung, it is acceptable to rinse your fingers with drinking water, letting the drops fall to the ground. Indonesians believe that when you eat food with just your hands, it will improve the taste of the food. But, don’t use your left hand. Traditionally the left hand is considered “dirty”, since it is used to wipe and clean other “unclean” bodily functions. As a result, Indonesians never eat or touch someone with their left hand. If you want to use your left hand to eat, ask for a spoon.
If you are invited into the house of a local, remember to remove your shoes or sandals and leave them at the door to a house. This is considered to be respectful, since if you bring the outdoor shoes or sandals into the house, you are bringing in the dirt from the outside. There are a multitude of other customs and etiquettes to follow, you don’t have to memorize all of those. Just remember to be respectful and nice, and listen to the advise of the host and your guide (if you are in tour).