29 Things You Should Never Do In Russia

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Never Accept Gifts Before Refusing A Few Times

Source: http://www.giftsmart.com

Normally, when we’re given a gift, we’re ecstatic and we happily accept the present and thank our friend. Sometimes, we’d say, “You didn’t have to” but still appreciatively accept and open the gift. In Russia, you can’t do that. It’s considered rude for you to immediately accept a gift. You have to make a show of humbly refusing the gift a few times before you accept it. This allows the giver to make a show of insisting that you take the gift. Respect this gift-giving tradition of refusing and insisting, and if you’re interested in the gift, don’t worry that the other person will decide not to give it since you refused it. They will insist on giving you the present—as long as you don’t go over the top with your declining. It should be okay to gratefully accept their gift by their third offer.