29 Things You Should Never Do In Russia

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Never Challenge A Russian To A Drinking Game

Source: https://secure.i.telegraph.co.uk

Unless you have a death wish or a liver made of steel, you do not ever challenge a Russian to a drinking contest. If you read this tip too late and you find yourself in the middle of a drinking game, hopefully, you had the good sense to eat first. Ever tried drinking on an empty stomach? The alcohol will be quickly absorbed into your bloodstream, and what happens next is not fun. So, arm yourself with food before you participate in a drinking game because, in Russia, you cannot eat after the first glass of vodka. And the following glasses come in quick succession. If you joined a drinking party and you arrived late, be ready for a penalty glass. Also, prepare for several hours of numerous rounds and frequent toasts to your health. Yes, appreciate the toast to your health while your major organs protest to the large amount of alcohol you’re consuming.