29 Things You Should Never Do In Russia

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Never Refuse To Take Part In Toasts

Source: https://cdni.rbth.com

Just as much as drinking, toasting is a very important part of Russian culture. Regardless of the occasion, expect to participate in this long-established ritual. This call to drink in honor of a person, your friendship, their appreciation, or any other highly regarded concept shows how warm and welcoming Russians are. Russians make toasts at big celebrations or even in small events like a regular meal. Make sure you’re not checking your phone or talking with another guest while someone is giving a toast. Also, don’t sip from your glass or take a bite of your food until the speech is done. Clink your glass with everyone else’s at the end of the speech then drink. If you clinked your glass but failed to drink, the Russians will think you didn’t agree with the person who made the toast or what he said, and that can be terribly awkward.