29 Home Remedies To Ease Gas Pain And Bloating

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Source: https://www.awesomechef.in

Ginger can work wonders to help you soothe an upset stomach. It doesn’t just treat gas-related problems, but also motion-sickness, bloating, and more. In addition, it is uncomplicated to prepare on a stovetop. The best way to prepare it is to remove its skin by using a small teaspoon and scraping it off. Once it has been peeled, you can shred it and put it through a food processor or mince it yourself. Squeeze out the juice from the pulp and make sure you save it in a cup on the side. Once you’re left with just the pulp, bring it to a gentle boil with 2 to 3 cups of water. Once you have your ginger tea ready, try drinking it after you’ve eaten a large meal to help relieve the gas pain you’re experiencing.