23 Reasons Jessica Alba Left The Hollywood Limelight

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15. She Chose The Wrong Time To Join The Swiftie Squad


Making appearances in TV commercials and music videos often helps actors stay visible, relevant, and trendy in Hollywood. Check out Christopher Walken in Fatboy Slim’s “Weapon of Choice,” Emma Watson in One Night Only’s “Say You Don’t Want It,” Tom Hanks in Carly Rae Jepsen’s “I Really Like You,” and Scarlett Johansson in Justin Timberlake’s “What Goes Around… Comes Around.” So, starring in a kickass music video alongside some of the most stunning women in the world, including Cara Delevingne, Gigi Hadid, Selene Gomez, and Zendaya, seemed like a wise choice, right? Wrong.
It was a good idea to make an appearance as a leather-clad lady assassin in “Bad Blood,” but unfortunately, it was the wrong time to jump on the Taylor Swift bandwagon. It was the peak of the feud between Swift and Kanye West, and no one paid attention to the babe on the big bike. The only thing Alba got out of her brief cameo was a nostalgic reminder of her Dark Angel days.