29 Things You Should Never Do In Austin

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Don’t Rely On Public Transportation

Source: https://www.kut.org/

Austin’s bus system does not offer the best way to go around the city. There are many drawbacks to taking the bus, including the limited number of buses that cannot accommodate the increasing population and the scarce late-night routes making it impossible to get home after midnight if you only reply on public transport. What would usually be just a 15-minute drive could take an hour, sitting on a bus with overly drunk college students coming from Sixth Street. There’s also the unlikelihood of buses stopping at your actual destination, and you will still have to take a cab or an Uber to get back to your hotel. Transferring from one bus to another can also be extremely frustrating. The metro’s buses are unreliable, inconvenient, inaccessible, and unsafe, and it would be better for tourists to travel by car.