72 Ads From The Past That Would Be Banned Today

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“Did you ever see a fat Chinese?” – Rice Council of America

Source: http://friedchickenlove.weebly.com

This public service ad by the Rice Council of America, published in a magazine in 1967, is another prime example of racism in advertising. In this print ad, consumers are being encouraged to switch from their usual breakfast staple of pancake, bacon, and eggs to rice. For those who are concerned about gaining weight, they ask the readers if they have ever seen a fat Chinese, with the assumption that they will say no or never, thus giving the board the opening to convince customers to buy rice.
While some people who would love to stay thin might not understand how this ad is offensive, this is racist and insensitive for the ethnic Chinese who moved to the US in the early 1900s. They strived as mining workers and suffered racial discrimination at all levels of society. They were maltreated by their industrial employers who hired them as “cheap Chinese labor.”
During that period, Americans rarely, if ever, saw a fat Chinese not because they were voluntarily on a diet to maintain their figure but because they weren’t treated well or paid enough to have enough food on the table.