72 Ads From The Past That Would Be Banned Today

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“Married? – No reason to neglect stockings!” – Lux Stockings


Here’s another one for wives although it’s not as invasive as chemically-loaded feminine hygiene products—stockings! Yes, a housewife that spends hours slaving away at home, cooking and washing dishes, sweeping floors and wiping windows, doing the laundry and dusting furniture, as well as caring for the children and making sure her husband comes home to a delicious hot meal—should make sure she’s wearing run-free stockings.
There’s nothing like wearing tight, restricting, itchy stockings during a hot day spent juggling a ton of housework that can add to your stress and discomfort. Instead of letting your skin breathe, the constraining garment limits airflow.
Also, it’s not enough that you keep on wearing stockings. Lux Stockings recommends that wives wear their fresh, clean, and snag-free brand—which would be perfect as they cook, clean, and chase children all around the house. Sheesh.