72 Ads From The Past That Would Be Banned Today

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“Cocaine Toothache Drops” – Lloyd Manufacturing Co.


Considered an incredibly addictive and dangerous recreational drug today, cocaine was marketed decades ago as highly effective toothache drops. For only 15 cents, the strong stimulant was prepared by the Lloyd Manufacturing Co., and you wouldn’t have had any trouble acquiring them because they were sold by all pharmacists or druggists.
Today, we have “druggies” smoking crack, the most potent and riskiest form of cocaine, and while cocaine is considered a rich man’s drug because of its high cost (it’s no longer just 15 cents), crack is cheap enough for teenagers to buy. However, it will increase in price the more addicted the user becomes.
While topical cocaine can be applied as a numbing agent to help with painful dental procedures like tooth extractions, the drug still has many disadvantages even in medical use, such as cardiovascular toxicity and glaucoma.