72 Ads From The Past That Would Be Banned Today

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“Blow in her face and she’ll follow you anywhere.” – Tipalet


First off, secondhand smoke causes many health concerns, such as severe asthma attacks, lung cancer and many other cancers, high blood pressure, heart attacks, stroke, and emphysema. It doesn’t matter if it smells like grapes, cherries, or wild blueberries, no woman should follow a man who just increased her risks of heart disease.
Perhaps both men and women back then weren’t aware of the hazards of smoking, but the scandalous double meaning of “blow in her face” and the sexual innuendo in this ad are rather blatant. This is probably influenced by the sexual revolution of the 1960s, a time of sexual liberation when people openly talked about activities in the bedroom, welcomed all forms of sexuality, and did not shun public nudity and pornography.
That last tagline though, “Smokers of America, do yourself a flavor.” is pretty lame.