72 Ads From The Past That Would Be Banned Today

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“Pale Face, my skin is dark but my heart is white.” – Canadian Patriotic Fund

Source: https://mentalitch.com

We have to admit that even to this day, consumers invest in tons of whitening products, such as cosmetic lotions for a clearer complexion, whitening creams for lighter armpits and elbows, and even toothpaste with activated charcoal for whiter teeth. However, except for a few blunders by some soap and cosmetic companies, society has evolved and tried their best to steer clear of racist ads and commercials.
However, back in the early 1900s, the Canadian Patriotic Fund, a private organization established to give financial and social assistance to the families of soldiers who fought in the First World War, had no issues mentioning the difference in skin tone between the white soldiers of Canada and the dark skin tone of its native tribes. Though the focus is perhaps not on the racial difference but is actually on how the indigenous communities of Canada also donate funds to help the families left behind, the ad with a tribesman saying, “Pale Skin, my skin is dark but my heart is white.” again implies how white is better.