29 Most Scandalous Game Show Hosts

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Steve Harvey is Sexist

Source: https://image.businessinsider.com

“Family Feud” is definitely a fun game show to watch. Especially the episodes where Steve Harvey would walk off after hearing these some of the contestant’s answers on the show. Regardless of the entertainment value of the show, we still have to know that the host is flawed like the rest of us. We already know that Steve Harvey values his privacy a lot, up to the point that he would remind staff about it and even threaten to call security. This however, is not the only flaw of Harvey. As the Hollywood Reporter would point out, Harvey would on occasion deliver crude “jokes” on the show similar to the likes of “women would never want to date Asian men”. Some of Harvey’s statements that would accentuate his less reputable views would range from homophobic to straight-out sexist. The bottom-line is that Steve Harvey is not as nice as the part he plays on television.