29 Most Scandalous Game Show Hosts

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Sexist and Misogynistic Jeremy Paxman?

Source: https://www.telegraph.co.uk

Jeremy Paxman’s complete name is Jeremy Dickson Paxman and he was born on May 11, 1950. He is a British journalist, broadcaster, author, and a game show host. Paxman is one of Britain’s most respected political journalists. He is acclaimed for his tough and uncompromising interviews of public officials.
Jeremy Paxman is also a host of the popular academic quiz show “University Challenge”. Although he is a highly respected journalist, he is not free from controversy. In fact, back in November 2016 a student’s union at Reading University voted in favor of adopting a policy of boycotting “University Challenge”. The boycott may have been caused by a comment he made about a knitted mascot of himself in a recording back in 2015. To put it simply, during the lull in between the recordings, Paxman had a conversation with the contestants and during the conversation Paxman asked the students if they took the hand-knitted Jeremy Paxman doll to bed. Although there was no comment at the time, some students actually found this to be offensive.