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Robert Kilroy-Silk is Racist

Source: https://ichef.bbci.co.uk

Robert Kilroy-Silk was born on May 19, 1942 with the name Robert Michael Silk. He is an English broadcaster, former politician and one-time game show host. Kilroy-Silk hosted a game show back in 2001 called “Shafted”. It was a quiz show where the host, Robert Kilroy-Silk, would deliver the line “Their fate will be in each other’s hands as they decide whether to share or to shaft?” Then at the end of the show, Kilroy-Silk would ask the players whether they would opt to “share” or to “shaft”, of course accompanied with hand gestures. “Shafted” was basically a typical quiz show with minor variations; although, the major twist comes at the last part of the show, the players would have to decide if they will share the money or not. The players would face each other and vote secretly to either “Share” or “Shaft”; if both players vote “Share”, they share the prize; if one “Shares” and the other “Shafts”, the “Shafter” will get all the money; if both players choose to “Shaft”, both won’t get the money.
Robert Kilroy-Silk was not all too nice in “Shafted”, which is alright, since he isn’t that nice at all. Kilroy-Silk, has mentioned racist statements publicly more than once. One notable instance was in 1992 when he dismissed the country, Ireland as a “country peopled by priests, peasants and pixies”. He said this under the pretense of spitefully speaking against Ray MacSharry, who was a former Irish government minister. This however was not the only instance of Kilroy-Silk’s racism. He wrote something in a newspaper, the article was first published on April 2003. According to Kilroy-Silk, what he discussed in the article was “something true”, he described Arabs as “suicide bombers, limb-amputators and women repressors”.