29 Things You Should Never Do In Sweden

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Do Not Litter

Source: https://i.cbc.ca

As one of the first countries in the world that passed the Environmental Protection Act, Sweden takes pollution very seriously. Its cities are very clean with sanitary facilities everywhere and with streets free of garbage. There is minimal air pollution, and you can breathe in clean air that’s sure to re-energize you. Swedes are also big on recycling with most households having seven or more containers for all kinds of reuse. So, when you visit, be sure to throw your trash in the right bin, and practice the habit of reducing, reusing, and recycling. Also, keep the plastic bags that come with your purchases since most Swedish stores will charge you for a grocery bag in an effort to reduce waste and encourage recycling. Keep it neat and tidy, minimize waste, recycle, and buy products made of recycled materials. Respect and support the Swedes who promote environmental sustainability.