31 Vintage Photos Of Old-School Parenting That Would Horrify People Today

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When You Can’t Get A Babysitter


This couple understood the importance of carving out time for date nights to maintain a happy marriage even after having a baby. And not finding a babysitter didn’t stop them from having a night out. Well, family bonding time is equally as important to build stronger relationships, but perhaps these parents could’ve chosen a better venue than a pub. Sure, the bartender would probably not serve the baby, but that might not stop the little darling from taking a sip of that cocktail or grab some of those peanuts. We’ve all heard how a bowl of peanuts at the bar is full of germs. It’s a free snack that every customer can munch on, so you’re literally sharing food with strangers who might not be washing their hands after using the bathroom.
Another funny thing about this photo is how there’s a sign above them that reads, “Help stop child abuse.” Pretty sure that taking a baby to a bar, exposed to alcohol and cigarette smoke, falls under some form of child abuse. Still, kudos to these parents for not leaving their child at home inside a baby cage.