31 Vintage Photos Of Old-School Parenting That Would Horrify People Today

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Well, this kid has got an attitude that’s just as arresting as that lit cigarette between his lips. That cigarette aside, this photo of a pretty self-assured boy and his badass feathered friend looks awesome. It’s like a young Don Vito Corleone from The Godfather with his cat, except this white chicken looks a hundred times more menacing. It seems this kid and his chicken got the “whatever” look down pat long before Kristen Stewart became the poster girl for Resting Bitch Face.
Now, if we could just take away that toxic cylinder, we can admire the artistry of the picture. Cigarette smoking isn’t just hazardous for people, it’s also dangerous for pets. Kids who start smoking are at a higher risk of developing a myriad of health problems, from lung disease to many types of cancer, and animals exposed to second-hand smoke can get allergies, eye infections, and respiratory issues.