31 Vintage Photos Of Old-School Parenting That Would Horrify People Today

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Fishing For Kids?

Whatz Viral

Those are not giant catfish, paddlefish, white sturgeons, or any massive freshwater fish. This is a picture of two brilliant fathers with their sons dangling at the end of their fishing lines. And no, this was not some severe form of corporal punishment. In fact, this was the pinnacle of parenting in the 1930s, with fathers staying very much involved in their children’s education as they give their kids swimming lessons. Children weren’t sent to swimming schools where little ones learned basic water skills using inflatable arm floats or Styrofoam boards. No, these kids were like fishing floats dunked in cold water.
Before we start attacking their method of teaching, these folks were very proud of this particular tradition. They’re also probably thinking they were, without a doubt, more innovative and responsible compared to parents who just tossed their children into a pond and waited for them to float to the surface.