27 Of The Wealthiest People On The Planet

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Steve Ballmer ($58.1 billion)

Source: https://cdn.geekwire.com

Ballmer is the former CEO of Microsoft, and led the company from 2000 to 2014. He joined the company in 1980 as employee no.30, after dropping out of Stanford’s MBA program. He saw Microsoft at a difficult time, after the first dot.com crash, and through efforts to catch Google in search, and Apple in mobile phones. The same year he retired from Microsoft, he bought the NBA’s Los Angeles Clippers for $2 billion. Since 2014, his philanthropic efforts increased, putting over $2 billion in a donor-advised fund focusing on lifting Americans out of poverty. He was the classmate of the 2nd richest man on the planet, Bill Gates, at Harvard. He is a self-made man, and worked hard to earn his fortune. He still looks for investment opportunities even though he has retired.