43 Celebrities Who Are Surprisingly Rude In Real Life

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Alec Baldwin


The eldest of the four Baldwin brothers who cracked us up with his portrayal of Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live is not funny at all in person. Alec Baldwin is rude to his fans, hostile to photographers, was arrested for disorderly conduct, attempted assault, and harassment violation, and has destroyed his family because of his temper. The 30 Rock star has attacked the paparazzi many times over the years, from spraying shaving cream on the windows of a photographer’s car to pinning another one up against a vehicle. Instead of feeling any remorse, Baldwin was inspired to write an episode of Law & Order based on these altercations.
Baldwin was also kicked off a flight for refusing to switch off his phone and acting crazy and has been arrested for riding his bicycle the wrong way on a New York street then yelling at the police officer who asked for his identification. Not only has Baldwin made the headlines a lot with unpleasant news, but he also called his 11-year-old child a “thoughtless little pig” when she missed their planned phone call. Ireland Baldwin says her father has made amends over the past decade.