43 Celebrities Who Are Surprisingly Rude In Real Life

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Katherine Heigl


The former fashion model turned actress is best known as Izzie Stevens on the medical drama Grey’s Anatomy. She’s also known for her roles in romantic comedies, such as Knocked Up, 27 Dresses, and New Year’s Eve. Despite the charming characters she portrays, Katherine Heigl is apparently another nightmare to work with. After getting nominated for an Emmy for her performance on Grey’s Anatomy in 2007, she flat out told the committee not to consider her for another year because she didn’t like the scripts she was given. This was just one example of Heigl’s arrogant behavior on the set of the show. She had a terrible attitude, from wardrobe issues to not wanting to get out of her trailer, with zero consideration for her co-workers. Also, while promoting 27 Dresses, she demanded to stay in a hotel’s presidential suite.
Now, despite the momentum she had gained in her career, producers hesitate to cast her for a project because of her bad attitude and sense of self-entitlement. Even though they acknowledge she might be perfect for a role, her rude behavior just was not worth it, and this has cost her both film roles and fans throughout the years.