43 Celebrities Who Are Surprisingly Rude In Real Life

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Russell Crowe


Russell Crowe is another insanely gifted actor who can bring life to any role with ease, from vengeful gladiator to schizophrenic mathematician to obsessed police inspector. However, his aggression and rage aren’t restrained to the walls of the Colosseum. Over the years, Crowe has displayed how prone he is to violent outbursts, fighting with his bodyguard, attacking hotel employees, yelling at fans and co-workers, and managing to be rude to large crowds of people.
In 2005, Crowe had gone into a frenzy over a broken telephone and was consequently charged with felony assault for throwing said telephone at an employee at NYC’s Mercer Hotel. In 2015, Crowe performed a Johnny Cash song on an Irish talk show and got really ticked off when the audience couldn’t clap to the beat. He yelled at the audience to “just shut up” if they couldn’t clap in time. Oh, he also insulted George Clooney, Harrison Ford, and Robert De Niro, and called them sellouts. Tsk, tsk, this guy has serious issues.